7 April, 2022

Publication of the Ramsgate Conservation Area Appraisal

The council has today (Thursday 8 April 2022) published the Ramsgate Conservation Area Appraisal, the culmination of a project to identify what should be preserved and enhanced in the Ramsgate Conservation Area, as well as proposals for its future management. 

The project was funded by Historic England as part of the Ramsgate Heritage Action Zone, and delivered in partnership with the council. Alan Baxter Ltd produced the final report which incorporates the invaluable survey work carried out by community volunteers. A six-week public consultation was held to ensure that the viewpoints and ideas of local residents and businesses were considered. 

The appraisal sets out the special historic and architectural significance of the conservation area and suggests areas for change. It also includes a chapter focusing on climate change, and is one of the first of its kind to include climate considerations and will serve as a model for other places facing similar issues. It will be used together with other planning policy documents to guide decisions on future development and will be another positive legacy of the Ramsgate Heritage Action Zone scheme.

Councillor Reece Pugh, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economic Development at Thanet District Council said:

“The appraisal document records what is special about Ramsgate’s Conservation Area, and will be an important tool in ensuring that the council can make informed plans for its future, protecting Ramsgate’s historical significance, character and appearance.

“The Conservation Area is so important to the future development of Ramsgate, as well as to its history, and I would like to thank everyone who took part in the public consultation.”

In addition to the Appraisal, the team has prepared a bespoke Owners’ Guidance document, for people living and working in the conservation area. The guide explains what the conservation area protections cover and provides practical advice for residents and businesses. 

Liz Pollard, Heritage at Risk Projects Officer at Historic England, said:

“These documents will be very practical tools for residents, council officers and applicants alike, designed to offer constructive support for building conservation and sustainable urban renewal.

“The Ramsgate appraisal is unique in that it includes a chapter dedicated to climate change mitigation, with advice for adapting buildings for climate change and to reduce carbon emissions. It demonstrates how the adaptive reuse of historic buildings retains embodied carbon.”

For further information about the Ramsgate Heritage Action Zone, and to view the Conservation Area Appraisal documents, please visit the council’s website at: www.thanet.gov.uk/ramsgate-conservation 

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