Great news! Our online home has had a makeover.
The needs of our residents are the focus for everything we do and 75% of you who responded to our survey told us you would rather complete a task online rather than over the phone. As such, we have launched a brand new website to better serve your needs. Every change we’ve made should make it easier for you to find information or service you want.
We know that many of you complained about the old site – how busy it was, how hard it was to find information and to navigate around. We agreed! The old technology also made it tough to view on your phone which was not helpful when over half our visitors accessed the site from a mobile or tablet.
Before designing the layout of our site we hosted lots of focus groups with residents, business owners, non-residents, frequent users and rare users to find out how they used the site and to get their ideas and preferences for the new website. And we listened! We have used the groups’ views to develop and drive the final design of our new website.
Here’s what’s improved on the new website:
- A clear message of who we are, what we do and what our vision is
- New design, more logical structure and plain language
- Improved menu functionality that directs you to the information most relevant to you
- Fewer pages (72% reduction to be precise!)
You can now easily:
- Navigate our site on a wide range of web browsers and portable devices
- Access the news, information, and service updates and news that matters the most to you
- Find key information using your postcode
- Sign up for our resident newsletter
- Give feedback on every page, so we can continue to improve
We hope that you find the new site to be a huge improvement. The launch is just the beginning. We will be adding fresh content regularly so that you can find all the things you need on the site.