28 November, 2024

Council review of Polling Stations in Thanet underway

Work by Thanet District Council to review the Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations in Thanet is underway. This is a requirement of the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006. It must happen every five years.

As part of the review process, Thanet District Council must:

  • Ensure that all electors within the authority had reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances.
  • Welcome the views of electors/ community groups/ any interested persons within the Thanet district on existing polling arrangements.
  • Welcome the views of all residents, particularly disabled residents as the council seeks to ensure that polling places are accessible to those who are disabled. The council also welcomes comments from any person or body that represents persons with a disability or with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability.

Details of the suggested list of Polling Districts and Polling Places can be viewed on the council’s website. They are also available for inspection at the Cecil Street offices. 

Colin Carmichael, Returning Officer and Chief Executive of Thanet District Council said: 

“The democratic process is ongoing and even in the years when we don’t have an election, work is being done to ensure the continued smooth delivery of democracy. 

“Here in Thanet we’re also going through a Local Government Boundary Commission for England review which will see a change to the number of councillors and new electoral wards. As that change is imminent, we’re proposing we keep the current list of polling stations as it is. A further review will then have to happen when the ward changes are confirmed. I’d encourage anyone who is interested in local democracy to have their say.”

Feedback on the suggested list can be given on Your Voice Thanet, before the consultation closes on Monday 9 December.  The review must be concluded by 31 January 2025.

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