Address: Palm Bay, Sacketts Gap, Margate CT9 3NR
Public Transport
- Thanet Loop – Bus
- Margate Train station – 40 minute walk
Site Description:
This is a large green open space, llocated at top of chalk cliffs overlooking the sea. There is a tarmacked path (Princes Walk) alongside the grassed area next to cliff top.
Site Area: 41,187.3m²
Size of Events
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Type of Events
- Community
- Active Recreation Sessions
- Charity
- Enthusiast
- Commercial
- Electricity: None
- Water Supply: None
- Public Toilets: None
- Shelters: One large shelter
- Parking: Free parking bays all along the green on Palm Bay Avenue
- Vehicle access from Palm Bay Avenue opposite Palm Bay School.
- Tarmacked path with barriered access. (Key available from TDC Events Team)
Event History: Bucket & Spade, The Big Event (including air displays), Park Runs and Charity runs
If it is a wet season, an event organiser maybe given two weeks’ notice from TDC that they will not be able to use the site. Therefore event organisers will need to have a contingency plan for relocating their event in the circumstance of adverse conditions. If grass areas are damaged, the reinstatement cost for the grassed area would need to be reimbursed by the Event Organiser. Residential properties running along Palm Bay Avenue. Leaflet drop maybe required by Event Organiser to residents