25 February, 2021

Have your say on how you can be involved in planning

Statement of Community Involvement Public Consultation

A document setting out how Thanet District Council will seek to involve local communities, businesses and other organisations in the planning process has gone out for public consultation.

The updated Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) will be out for public comment for the next 6 weeks (Thursday 25 February – Friday 9 April 2021). The aim of the SCI is to encourage greater participation and a more efficient and inclusive decision making process. 

The SCI provides residents with a guide on how they can have their say on all aspects of planning – the Local Plan and other planning policy documents. It was last reviewed in 2012 and, since then, communication methods have dramatically changed allowing easier, more direct and more digitally focussed methods of engagement in addition to the more traditional ones. The requirements introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic have further reinforced this. 

Leader of Thanet District Council, Cllr Rick Everitt said:

“The aim of our Statement of Community Involvement is to make the planning system open and accessible to all, helping people understand how and when they are able to take part in the planning process.  

“The changes include a proposal to charge for lengthy and complex Local Plan representations which could be made via our planning portal but are not, thereby creating significant extra work and therefore cost to the public purse.

“However, this would only apply in exceptional circumstances and it is categorically not about introducing a charge for commenting on planning applications. 

“We want to work effectively with all communities across Thanet so would encourage everyone to have their say. We look forward to hearing your views on how the council should be consulting and engaging on planning matters.”

Have your say 

Anyone wishing to view and comment on the new and updated SCI can do so online. Feedback needs to be completed by 5pm on Friday 9 April 2021. 

If you require any assistance or need a hard copy version, please call 01843 577591 or email local.plans@thanet.gov.uk.

People will also be able to respond with their comments via the post to Strategic Planning, Thanet District Council, Cecil Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 1XZ. 

Once we have received all the comments and feedback, they go back to Cabinet for review and then on to Full Council (with any amendments proposed) for a decision. The updated SCI, if adopted, will replace the 2012 version.

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