Where demolition of a building or part greater than 50m3 is proposed, consent will be required under the Building Act in addition to any planning consent. The necessary application form is available in our forms page and no demolition should take place until our counter notice has been received or six weeks has elapsed. The notice under Section 81 of the Act will give details of the timescale for the demolition and apply conditions to work.
Dangerous structures
Whilst it must be remembered that a building owner is always responsible for maintaining their building to ensure that it does not become a danger to the public, there are situations where Building Control can become involved, such as following a fire, vehicle impact or through a lack of maintenance or general neglect.
Powers available through the Building Act 1984 allow the service to undertake immediate steps to remove any immediate danger or take action through the Magistrates Court where the danger is less immediate. We will always attempt to make contact with the building owner to give them the opportunity to carry out the necessary work but in emergency situations this may not always be possible where the owner is absent. All costs incurred will be recovered from the building owner and will be registered as a charge against the property.
If you have concerns with the condition of a building and the owner is unwilling to take action, this can be reported to us at or by telephone to 01843 577522. Outside office hours the service can be contacted by telephoning 01843 577000.
Insecure buildings
In a similar way to Dangerous Structures, powers are available to secure against unauthorised entry any building which is unoccupied and insecure. To report an insecurity please use the contact us at or by telephone to 01843 577522. Outside office hours the service can be contacted by telephoning 01843 577000.
Note: The Council will recover from the owner of the building the expenses reasonably incurred by the Council under the said section. The minimum charge is £150.00inc plus any further cost accrued to make the property safe or secure, materials, contractors and officer time.