Direct Debit
Copy bill
Paperless billing
Moving home
- Tell us you are moving into the Thanet District Council area (register for Council Tax)
- Tell us you are moving within or out of the Thanet District Council area
- Tell us about a second home
- Landlords and agents – tell us about a change of tenants or about a property you’re buying or selling
Change of circumstances
Council Tax refund
Payment plan
Disabled reduction
Single occupier discount
- Apply for or remove a single occupier discount
- Appeal against the removal of your single occupier discount
Tell us that someone has died
Other discounts and exemptions
- Apprentices Council Tax discount
- Care providers Council Tax discount or exemption
- Unoccupied property owned by a charity Council Tax exemption
- People in prison or detained Council Tax discount or exemption
- Under 20 in full-time education Council Tax discount
- Hospital or nursing or care home Council Tax discount or exemption
- Severely mentally impaired Council Tax discount or exemption (PDF)