Section 106 agreement and Unilateral Undertaking Monitoring Fee
From 1st April 2023, Thanet District Council will charge a non-refundable monitoring fee to cover the cost of monitoring and reporting on delivery of the planning obligation(s) secured within the relevant agreement. This fee will be payable within 28 days of planning permission being granted. Applicants will be required to provide details to allow an invoice to be sent directly for payment if not received within this period. This will enable the council to cover the costs of monitoring the commencement of development or other pre commencement triggers.
Development Type | Fee |
Planning Obligation 1-9 dwellings or commercial minor | £200 |
Planning Obligation 10-50 dwellings or commercial major | £2000 |
Planning Obligation 51-100 dwellings | £3000 |
Planning Obligation more than 100 dwellings | £5000 |
Planning Obligation More than 1000 dwellings | To be agreed. |
This fee will be required to be secured through all planning legal agreements received after 1st April 2023. A template unilateral undertaking for developments of 1-9 dwellings is available here including the relevant clause for the monitoring fee – Thanet Unilateral Undertaking template.
The fee will be periodically reviewed to ensure the administrative costs associated with monitoring and managing developer contributions are covered by the fee.
More information on Planning Obligations for Residential development is available on our website.