At a meeting on Thursday 30 January, Cabinet gave the green light to the third phase of Thanet’s Public Toilets Refurbishment and Renewal Project.
This third and final phase covers the repair and refurbishment of 16 public facilities across the district, with a provisional total spend of £400,000. This is subject to Full Council approving the budget for 2025/26 at a meeting scheduled for Thursday 27 February.
Cllr Steve Albon, Cabinet Member for Cleansing and Coastal Services, commented:
“The provision of public toilets is something that we recognise as being really important to our residents and the people who come here to visit. It’s been an area of focus for us since last year.
“Ahead of the summer we were able to achieve a significant programme of refurbishment at a number of locations, including internal repairs, new plumbing, fittings, replacement tiles and sealant where needed, as well as external and roof repairs.
“Now that Cabinet has confirmed that these projects can go ahead, we will see the refurbishment programme completed.
“This will be in addition to the plans already in place for two brand new facilities. Both Margate Main Sands and Stone Bay in Broadstairs will benefit from toilets that will be fully accessible.
“Now that all the proposed work has got the green light, even more people can be confident that they can come to Thanet, get out and enjoy the beautiful coastline and open spaces the isle has to offer.”
The council provides public toilets for the benefit of residents and visitors to key locations within the district. The council established a Public Toilets Refurbishment and Renewal Project and approved a budget in December 2023. The first phase of repair works is complete, and the work for phase two, at Minnis Bay, Birchington, and Victoria Gardens, Broadstairs, is currently out to tender.
The full Cabinet report, which includes the schedule of works for Phase 3, can be reviewed on the council’s website.
A list of all the council’s public toilets, alongside their opening hours can be found on the website: