On Monday 2 July, the Council’s Cabinet, will be recommending to Council that it adopts a new Local Plan for publication. Thanet District Council is in ‘intervention’ with the Government closely monitoring progress. If Thanet District Council fails to publish a new plan, there is a risk of further direct intervention.
Cllr Bob Bayford, Leader of the Council said:
“The priority has been to put before Cabinet a Local Plan which recognises the existing use of Manston as an airport and which also provides an opportunity for the Development Consent Order application to proceed.”
Cllr Bayford therefore asked officers to provide two options for consideration by Cabinet. The first is the original plan, which was rejected in January 2018. The second is an option which does not seek to change the existing use of Manston and transfers the housing originally proposed for Manston, to sites throughout the district.
The homes would be allocated as follows: Birchington (600 homes), Westgate on Sea (1000 homes), Westwood (500 homes), Hartsdown, Margate (300 homes) and Tothill Street, Minster (100 homes). This is in addition to the housing sites previously proposed in these areas. Having reviewed all available sites, these are considered the most appropriate in terms of sustainability, transport and, local and national planning strategies.
The recommendations from Cabinet on Monday 2 July will go to the Executive, Policy & Community Safety Scrutiny Panel for further consideration before going to Council on Thursday 19 July for a final decision.