Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas

Check Conservation Area locations in Thanet

The following information has been provided as a general guideline and overview regarding conservation areas in Thanet and will likely vary somewhat depending on the circumstances of the work proposed and other planning considerations.

If you have further queries please contact Thanet Councils Senior Conservation Officer through the following email address: planning.services@thanet.gov.uk

The term conservation area almost always applies to an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character of which is considered worthy of preservation or enhancement.


Your address can be searched through the Conservation area location map to check if it is within the conservation area.


If you live within a conservation area, it is likely that you would require planning permission when altering the external appearance of your property as this would have an impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding historic environment. If the work you are undertaking is like for like, it is less likely that you will require planning permission.

Conservation Area Date of Designation Extensions
Acol(PDF) 27/01/1988
Birchington (PDF)
Birchington Accessible version
Broadstairs(PDF) 05/06/1970 21/10/1986

23/07/2009 North (PDF)

23/07/2009 South (PDF)

Dalby Square (PDF) 15/07/2010
Clifton Place and Grotto Gardens (PDF) 20/10/2016
Clifftop (PDF) 20/10/2016
Edgar Road and Sweyn Road(PDF) 20/10/2016
Ethelbert Road and Athelstan Road Cliftonville (PDF) 20/01/2015
Kingsgate (PDF) 13/04/1973
Margate (PDF) 07/02/1978 07/07/1994
Margate Seafront (PDF) 29/01/1997
Minster (PDF) 28/01/1972
Monkton (PDF) 22/08/1978
Norfolk Road, Warwick Road and Surrey Road (PDF) 20/10/2016
Northdown (PDF) 20/08/1985
Northdown Road (PDF) 20/10/2016
Pegwell (PDF) 29/06/1976
Ramsgate (PDF)

Ramsgate Conservation Area Leaflet (PDF)

Ramsgate Conservation Area Appraisal (PDF)

16/01/1970 20/01/1980





Ramsgate, Royal Esplanade (PDF) 29/01/2007
Ramsgate Montefiore  (PDF) 22/02/2007
Reading Street (PDF) 13/04/1973
St Nicholas at Wade (PDF) 28/01/1972
St Peter’s (PDF) 13/04/1973
Sarre (PDF) 26/11/1971
Westgate on Sea (PDF) 11/03/1998 14/12/2006
Westgate on Sea East(PDF) 14/12/2006
Westgate on Sea South (PDF) 14/12/2006

Click on the PDF linked with the area to give you an mapped outline of the designated areas.


Conservation area designation is undertaken to recognise the historic character of an area and/or in answer to the impact of development, neglect and other threats, on areas which are considered to have special architectural or historic interest. The appraisal is the vehicle for understanding both the significance of an area and the effect of those impacts bearing negatively on its significance. It will form part of the local planning authority’s Historic Environment Record and will be part of the evidence base for the local plan and a material consideration in planning decisions.


In addition to the normal planning controls, Conservation Areas enjoy special protection under the law. These are some of the key requirements:

  • Anyone wishing to demolish a building or part of a building within a conservation area must first obtain conservation area consent from the District Council as Local Planning Authority. Certain buildings are excluded from this requirement.
  • Anyone wishing to cut down, lop, top, uproot or do any work to trees, must give 6 weeks prior notification to the District Council. However, if the trees are already protected by a Tree Preservation Order then a formal application for consent is required.
  • National Planning Policy sets out requirements for consideration of applications affecting conservation areas. [NPPF]
  • Planning applications for development, which would, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, affect the character or appearance of a Conservation Area, must be given publicity. Representations received will be taken into account in determining the application.

Owners of residential properties generally consider these controls to be beneficial because they also sustain, and/or enhance, the value of property within it. (Historic England Guidance)


Conservation Area Advisory Groups (CAAGs) are small, self governing groups consisting primarily of people who are not members or officers of the authority. CAAGs help to provide valuable local input into conservation areas and will help to ensure that important and much valued local sites are commented upon in terms of new development and enhancement.

CAAG groups still run in various areas of thanet and can often be found through their own individual websites or facebook pages. 

If you would like contact information for these groups please get in touch.


Article 4 Directions are a special planning regulation adopted by a Local Authority to provide additional planning controls in a particular location. The use of such Directions can be made in justified circumstances where a clear assessment of a Conservation Area has been made. 


Where an Article Direction has been confirmed it may withdraw certain permitted development rights for specific classes of minor alterations and extensions, such as porches, replacement of windows and doors and painting of the exterior of a building, which are set out in the Direction. The Council has Article 4 Directions in place in Ramsgate, Ramsgate Marina extension and Pegwell Conservation Areas.


Properties to which the Direction relates are shown below:

Addington Street – 85, 87

Albion Hill – 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22

Cliff Street – 2 West Cliff Mansions

Kent Place – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9

Kent Terrace – 7, 8, 9

Nelson Crescent – 19

Paragon – 9

Pegwell Road – 59, 61, 69, 71, 73, Pegwell Lodge Cottage, 1 Coastguard Cottages, 2 Coastguard Cottages, 3 Coastguard Cottages, 4 Coastguard Cottages, 5 Coastguard Cottages

Prospect Terrace – 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Rose Hill – 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, Rose Hill Cottage

York Terrace – 14


Frequently asked questions

You do not need permission to paint your property within the conservation area, nor do you require permission to paint murals on your property provided it is not an advert.


If you are retaining the overall character, colour and opening pattern of your windows of your property in the conservation area, you do not need planning permission, even to change materials.

However if you are looking to change the sizes of your windows, their placement, or opening patterns then this would require planning permission.

If you live in a flat or apartment you would require permission to change any aspects of your windows as you do not have permitted development rights.


You can install solar panels to your property within the conservation area, as long as it is not listed or a flat, under the following conditions-

  • Panels not be angled at 0.2m taller than the pitch of the roof 
  • Not affront the highway so be located on the side or the rear of the building 
  • Not extend past the highest part of the roofslope

You do not need permission to erect a fence or wall within the conservation area as long as it is no taller than 2m tall and is not in close proximity to a highway. If you are close to a highway or are proposing taller than this then you do require permission.


A wall over 1m high at any section would require planning permission. 


Conservation areas can be widened or reduced throughout time and are often reviewed as it deemed necessary or as officer time allows for the management of this. 

This guidance has been drafted to give an overview of frequently asked questions regarding listed properties but can vary due to circumstances on an individual basis. If you would like to ask further questions please contact our conservation officer or seek more substantial formal advice through the pre application service.


To make changes to your shopfront within the conservation area would likely require planning permission please get in touch with TDC. 


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