The net budget requirement for 2024/25 is estimated at £22.752 million, an increase of £1.997 million, on last year’s budget.
Thanet District Council | Gross Expenditure 24/25 £’000 |
Total Income 24/25 £’000 |
Net cost 24/25 £’000 |
Net cost 23/24 £’000 |
Cultural and Related services | 4,920 | (1,260) | 3,660 | 3,342 |
Environ and Reg Services | 14,117 | (4,788) | 9,329 | 8,069 |
Planning Services | 8,266 | (6,881) | 1,385 | 1,348 |
Highways, roads and transport services | 9,392 | (9,017) | 375 | (149) |
Housing Services | 43,331 | (40,462) | 2,869 | 2,856 |
Council tax collection costs, benefits & business rates | 2,844 | (1,079) | 1,765 | 1,492 |
Corporate and democratic costs | 1,621 | (224) | 1,397 | 1,158 |
Non-Distributed Costs | 23,519 | (21,547) | 1,972 | 2,639 |
Total: General Fund | 108,010 | (85,258) | 22,752 | 20,755 |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) | 29,973 | (29,860) | 113 | 1,436 |
Totals 2024/25 | 137,983 | (115,118) | 22,865 | 22,191 |
2023/24 Comparison | 129,101 | (106,910) | 22,191 |
General Fund Income 2024/25 | £’000 |
Planned spending 2024/25 | 108,010 |
Less income 2024/25 | (85,258) |
Net cost of services | 22,752 |
Less, from the Government –
Settlement Funding Assessment Collection fund (surplus) / deficit |
(10,834) 312 |
Remaining amount to collect | 12,230 |
The net budget requirement for 2023/24 is estimated at £20.755 million, an increase of £2.717 million, on last year’s budget.
Thanet District Council | Gross Expenditure 23/24 £’000 |
Total Income 23/24 £’000 |
Net cost 23/24 £’000 |
Net cost 22/23 £’000 |
Cultural and Related services | 4,123 | (781) | 3,342 | 3,505 |
Environment and Regulatory Services | 12,515 | (4,446) | 8,069 | 8,020 |
Planning Services | 10,884 | (9,536) | 1,348 | 1,752 |
Highways, roads and transport services | 8,878 | (9,027) | (149) | 141 |
Housing Services | 43,474 | (40,618) | 2,856 | 2,430 |
Council Tax collection costs, benefits & business rates | 2,884 | (1,392) | 1,492 | 1,124 |
Corporate and democratic costs | 1,323 | (165) | 1,158 | 1,158 |
Non-Distributed Costs | 26,516 | (23,877) | 2,639 | (92) |
Total: General Fund | 110,597 | (89,842) | 20,755 | 18,038 |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) | 18,504 | (17,068) | 1,436 | 1,593 |
Totals 2023/24 | 129,101 | (106,910) | 22,191 | 19,631 |
2022/23 Comparison | 112,401 | (94,091) | 18,310 |
General Fund Income 2023/24 | £’000 |
Planned spending 2023/24 | 110,597 |
Less income 2023/24 | (89,842) |
Net cost of services | 20,755 |
Less, from the Government –
Settlement Funding Assessment Collection fund (surplus) / deficit |
(9,377) 312 |
Remaining amount to collect | 11,690 |
The net budget requirement for 2022/23 is estimated at £18.038 million, an increase of £0.873 million, on last year’s budget.
Thanet District Council | Gross Expenditure 22/23 £’000 |
Total Income 22/23 £’000 |
Net cost 22/23 £’000 |
Net cost 21/22 £’000 |
Cultural and Related services | 3,959 | (454) | 3,505 | 3,432 |
Environment and Regulatory Services | 12,300 | (4,280) | 8,020 | 7,853 |
Planning Services | 2,796 | (1,044) | 1,752 | 3,850 |
Highways, roads and transport services | 7,458 | (7,317) | 141 | 227 |
Housing Services | 46,359 | (43,929) | 2,430 | 2,502 |
Council Tax collection costs, benefits & business rates | 2,534 | (1,410) | 1,124 | 1,088 |
Corporate and democratic costs | 1,323 | (165) | 1,158 | 1,132 |
Non-Distributed Costs | 22,852 | (22,944) | (92) | (2,919) |
Total: General Fund | 99,581 | (81,543) | 18,038 | 17,165 |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) | 17,519 | (15,926) | 1,593 | 1,145 |
Totals 2022/23 | 117,100 | (97,469) | 19,631 | 18,310 |
2021/22 Comparison | 112,401 | (94,091) | 18,310 |
General Fund Income 2022/23 | £’000 |
Planned spending 2022/23 | 99,581 |
Less income 2022/23 | (81,543) |
Net cost of services | 18,038 |
Less, from the Government –
Settlement Funding Assessment Collection fund (surplus) / deficit |
(7,346) 468 |
Remaining amount to collect | 11,160 |
The net budget requirement for 2021/22 is estimated at £17.165m, an increase of £0.097m, on last year’s budget.
Thanet District Council | Gross Expenditure 21/22 £’000 |
Total Income 21/22 £’000 |
Net cost 21/22 £’000 |
Net cost 20/21 £’000 |
Cultural and Related services | 3,867 | (435) | 3,432 | 3,525 |
Environment and Regulatory Services | 12,222 | (4,369) | 7,853 | 7,403 |
Planning Services | 5,546 | (1,696) | 3,850 | 1,701 |
Highways, roads and transport services | 7,447 | (7,220) | 227 | 315 |
Housing Services | 44,069 | (41,567) | 2,502 | 2,332 |
Council tax collection costs, benefits & business rates | 2,523 | (1,435) | 1,088 | 1,041 |
Corporate and democratic costs | 1,296 | (164) | 1,132 | 1,122 |
Non-Distributed Costs | 19,761 | (22,680) | (2,919) | (371) |
Total: General Fund | 96,731 | (79,566) | 17,165 | 17,068 |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) | 15,670 | (14,525) | 1,145 | (69) |
Totals 2021/22 | 112,401 | (94,091) | 18,310 | 16,999 |
2020/21 Comparison | 113,263 | (96,264) | 16,999 |
General Fund Income 2021/22 | £’000 |
Planned spending 2021/22 | 96,731 |
Less income 2021/22 | (79,566) |
Net cost of services | 17,165 |
Less, from the Government –
Settlement Funding Assessment Collection fund (surplus) / deficit |
(7,100) 671 |
Remaining amount to collect | 10,736 |
The net budget requirement for 2020/21 is estimated at £17,068,000 an increase of £425,000 on last year’s budget.
Thanet District Council | Gross Expenditure 20/21 £’000 |
Total Income 20/21 £’000 |
Net cost 20/21 £’000 |
Net cost 19/20 £’000 |
Cultural and Related services | 3,971 | (446) | 3,525 | 3,712 |
Environment and Regulatory Services | 11,683 | (4,280) | 7,403 | 6,825 |
Planning Services | 3,470 | (1,769) | 1,701 | 1,492 |
Highways, roads and transport services | 7,167 | (6,852) | 315 | 165 |
Housing Services | 46,763 | (44,431) | 2,332 | 2,044 |
Council tax collection costs, benefits & business rates | 2,612 | (1,571) | 1,041 | 969 |
Corporate and democratic costs | 1,286 | (164) | 1,122 | 1,075 |
Non-Distributed Costs | 21,768 | (22,139) | (371) | 361 |
Total: General Fund | 98,720 | (81,652) | 17,068 | 16,643 |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) | 14,543 | (14,612) | (69) | 419 |
Totals 2020/21 | 113,263 | (96,264) | 16,999 | 17,062 |
2019/20 Comparison | 125,519 | (108,457) | 17,062 |
General Fund Income 2020/21 | £’000 |
Planned spending 2020/21 | 98,720 |
Less income 2020/21 | (81,652) |
Net cost of services | 17,068 |
Less, from the Government –
Settlement Funding Assessment Collection fund surplus |
(6,340) (120) |
Remaining amount to collect | 10,608 |
The net budget requirement for 2019/20 is estimated at £16,643,000, a decrease of £157,000 on last year’s budget.
Thanet District Council | Gross Expenditure 19/20 £’000 |
Total Income 19/20 £’000 |
Net cost 19/20 £’000 |
Net cost 18/19 £’000 |
Cultural and Related services | 4,195 | -483 | 3,712 | 3,898 |
Environment and Regulatory Services | 11,089 | -4,264 | 6,825 | 6,766 |
Planning Services | 3,103 | -1,611 | 1,492 | 2,025 |
Highways, roads and transport services | 6,824 | -6,659 | 165 | 609 |
Housing Services | 60,289 | -58,245 | 2,044 | 1,543 |
Council Tax collection costs, benefits & business rates |
2,471 | -1,502 | 969 | 729 |
Corporate and democratic costs | 1,239 | -164 | 1,075 | 1,241 |
Non-distributed costs | 22,246 | -21,885 | 361 | -11 |
Total: General Fund | 111,456 | -94,813 | 16,643 | 16,800 |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) | 14,063 | -13,644 | 419 | 286 |
Totals 2019/20 | 125,519 | -108,457 | 17,062 | 17,086 |
2018/19 Comparison | 136,273 | -119,187 | 17,086 |
General Fund Income 2019/20 | £’000 |
Planned spending 2019/20 | 111,456 |
Less income 2019/20 | -94,813 |
Net cost of services | 16,643 |
Less, from the Government –
Settlement Funding Assessment Collection fund surplus |
-6,338 -100 |
Remaining amount to collect | 10,205 |
The net budget requirement for 2018/19 is estimated at £16,800,000, a decrease of £1,279,000 on last year’s budget.
Thanet District Council |
Gross |
Total Income |
Net cost |
Net cost 17/18 |
Cultural and Related services | 4,407 | -509 | 3,898 | 4,314 |
Environment and Regulatory Services | 10,889 | -4,123 | 6,766 | 8,101 |
Planning Services | 3,471 | -1,446 | 2,025 | 1,990 |
Highways, roads and transport services | 7,111 | -6,502 | 609 | 618 |
Housing Services | 66,996 | -65,453 | 1,543 | 748 |
Council Tax collection costs, benefits & business rates | 2,461 | -1,732 | 729 | 1,336 |
Corporate and democratic costs | 1,635 | -394 | 1,241 | 1,449 |
Non-distributed costs | 24,194 | -24,205 | -11 | -967 |
Total: General Fund | 121,164 | -104,364 | 16,800 | 17,589 |
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) | 15,109 | -14,823 | 286 | -984 |
Totals 2018/19 | 136,273 | -119,187 | 17,086 | 16,605 |
2017/18 comparison | 139,176 | -122,571 | 16,605 |
General Fund Income 2018/19 |
£’000 |
Planned spending 2018/19 | 121,164 |
Less income 2018/19 | -104,364 |
Net cost of services | 16,800 |
Less, from the Government –
Settlement Funding Assessment Collection fund surplus |
-6,785 -300 |
Remaining amount to collect | 9,715 |