Cost of council services

Council budget

The net budget requirement for 2024/25 is estimated at £22.752 million, an increase of £1.997 million, on last year’s budget.

Thanet District Council Gross
Total Income
Net cost
Net cost
Cultural and Related services 4,920 (1,260) 3,660 3,342
Environ and Reg Services 14,117 (4,788) 9,329 8,069
Planning Services 8,266 (6,881) 1,385 1,348
Highways, roads and transport services 9,392 (9,017) 375 (149)
Housing Services 43,331 (40,462) 2,869 2,856
Council tax collection costs, benefits & business rates 2,844 (1,079) 1,765 1,492
Corporate and democratic costs 1,621 (224) 1,397 1,158
Non-Distributed Costs 23,519 (21,547) 1,972 2,639
Total: General Fund 108,010 (85,258) 22,752 20,755
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 29,973 (29,860) 113 1,436
Totals 2024/25 137,983 (115,118) 22,865 22,191
2023/24 Comparison 129,101 (106,910) 22,191


General Fund Income 2024/25 £’000
Planned spending 2024/25 108,010
Less income 2024/25 (85,258)
Net cost of services                               22,752
Less, from the Government –

Settlement Funding Assessment

Collection fund (surplus) / deficit




Remaining amount to collect 12,230


The net budget requirement for 2023/24 is estimated at £20.755 million, an increase of £2.717 million, on last year’s budget.

Thanet District Council Gross
Total Income
Net cost
Net cost
Cultural and Related services 4,123 (781) 3,342 3,505
Environment and Regulatory Services 12,515 (4,446) 8,069 8,020
Planning Services 10,884 (9,536) 1,348 1,752
Highways, roads and transport services 8,878 (9,027) (149) 141
Housing Services 43,474 (40,618) 2,856 2,430
Council Tax collection costs, benefits & business rates 2,884 (1,392) 1,492 1,124
Corporate and democratic costs 1,323 (165) 1,158 1,158
Non-Distributed Costs 26,516 (23,877) 2,639 (92)
Total: General Fund 110,597 (89,842) 20,755 18,038
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 18,504 (17,068) 1,436 1,593
Totals 2023/24 129,101 (106,910) 22,191 19,631
2022/23 Comparison 112,401 (94,091) 18,310


General Fund Income 2023/24 £’000
Planned spending 2023/24 110,597
Less income 2023/24 (89,842)
Net cost of services 20,755
Less, from the Government –

Settlement Funding Assessment

Collection fund (surplus) / deficit




Remaining amount to collect 11,690



The net budget requirement for 2022/23 is estimated at £18.038 million, an increase of £0.873 million, on last year’s budget.

Thanet District Council Gross
Total Income
Net cost
Net cost
Cultural and Related services 3,959 (454) 3,505 3,432
Environment and Regulatory Services 12,300 (4,280) 8,020 7,853
Planning Services 2,796 (1,044) 1,752 3,850
Highways, roads and transport services 7,458 (7,317) 141 227
Housing Services 46,359 (43,929) 2,430 2,502
Council Tax collection costs, benefits & business rates 2,534 (1,410) 1,124 1,088
Corporate and democratic costs 1,323 (165) 1,158 1,132
Non-Distributed Costs 22,852 (22,944) (92) (2,919)
Total: General Fund 99,581 (81,543) 18,038 17,165
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 17,519 (15,926) 1,593 1,145
Totals 2022/23 117,100 (97,469) 19,631 18,310
2021/22 Comparison 112,401 (94,091) 18,310


General Fund Income 2022/23 £’000
Planned spending 2022/23 99,581
Less income 2022/23 (81,543)
Net cost of services 18,038
Less, from the Government –

Settlement Funding Assessment

Collection fund (surplus) / deficit




Remaining amount to collect 11,160



The net budget requirement for 2021/22 is estimated at £17.165m, an increase of £0.097m, on last year’s budget.

Thanet District Council Gross Expenditure
Total Income
Net cost
Net cost
Cultural and Related services 3,867 (435) 3,432 3,525
Environment and Regulatory Services 12,222 (4,369) 7,853 7,403
Planning Services 5,546 (1,696) 3,850 1,701
Highways, roads and transport services 7,447 (7,220) 227 315
Housing Services 44,069 (41,567) 2,502 2,332
Council tax collection costs, benefits & business rates 2,523 (1,435) 1,088 1,041
Corporate and democratic costs 1,296 (164) 1,132 1,122
Non-Distributed Costs 19,761 (22,680) (2,919) (371)
Total: General Fund 96,731 (79,566) 17,165 17,068
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 15,670 (14,525) 1,145 (69)
Totals 2021/22 112,401 (94,091) 18,310 16,999
2020/21 Comparison 113,263 (96,264) 16,999


General Fund Income 2021/22 £’000
Planned spending 2021/22 96,731
Less income 2021/22 (79,566)
Net cost of services 17,165
Less, from the Government –

Settlement Funding Assessment

Collection fund (surplus) / deficit




Remaining amount to collect 10,736



The net budget requirement for 2020/21 is estimated at £17,068,000 an increase of £425,000 on last year’s budget.

Thanet District Council Gross Expenditure
Total Income
Net cost
Net cost
Cultural and Related services 3,971 (446) 3,525 3,712
Environment and Regulatory Services 11,683 (4,280) 7,403 6,825
Planning Services 3,470 (1,769) 1,701 1,492
Highways, roads and transport services 7,167 (6,852) 315 165
Housing Services 46,763 (44,431) 2,332 2,044
Council tax collection costs, benefits & business rates 2,612 (1,571) 1,041 969
Corporate and democratic costs 1,286 (164) 1,122 1,075
Non-Distributed Costs 21,768 (22,139) (371) 361
Total: General Fund 98,720 (81,652) 17,068 16,643
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 14,543 (14,612) (69) 419
Totals 2020/21 113,263 (96,264) 16,999 17,062
2019/20 Comparison 125,519 (108,457) 17,062


General Fund Income 2020/21 £’000
Planned spending 2020/21 98,720
Less income 2020/21 (81,652)
Net cost of services 17,068
Less, from the Government –

Settlement Funding Assessment

Collection fund surplus




Remaining amount to collect 10,608



The net budget requirement for 2019/20 is estimated at £16,643,000, a decrease of £157,000 on last year’s budget.

Thanet District Council Gross

Net cost
Net cost

Cultural and Related services 4,195 -483 3,712 3,898
Environment and Regulatory Services 11,089 -4,264 6,825 6,766
Planning Services 3,103 -1,611 1,492 2,025
Highways, roads and transport services 6,824 -6,659 165 609
Housing Services 60,289 -58,245 2,044 1,543
Council Tax collection costs, benefits &
business rates
2,471 -1,502 969 729
Corporate and democratic costs 1,239 -164 1,075 1,241
Non-distributed costs 22,246 -21,885 361 -11
Total: General Fund 111,456 -94,813 16,643 16,800
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 14,063 -13,644 419 286
Totals 2019/20 125,519 -108,457 17,062 17,086
2018/19 Comparison 136,273 -119,187 17,086


General Fund Income 2019/20 £’000
Planned spending 2019/20 111,456
Less income 2019/20 -94,813
Net cost of services 16,643
Less, from the Government –

Settlement Funding Assessment

Collection fund surplus




Remaining amount to collect 10,205



The net budget requirement for 2018/19 is estimated at £16,800,000, a decrease of £1,279,000 on last year’s budget.

Thanet District Council


Total Income

Net cost

Net cost 17/18

Cultural and Related services 4,407 -509 3,898 4,314
Environment and Regulatory Services 10,889 -4,123 6,766 8,101
Planning Services 3,471 -1,446 2,025 1,990
Highways, roads and transport services 7,111 -6,502 609 618
Housing Services 66,996 -65,453 1,543 748
Council Tax collection costs, benefits & business rates 2,461 -1,732 729 1,336
Corporate and democratic costs 1,635 -394 1,241 1,449
Non-distributed costs 24,194 -24,205 -11 -967
Total: General Fund 121,164 -104,364 16,800 17,589
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 15,109 -14,823 286 -984
Totals 2018/19 136,273 -119,187 17,086 16,605
2017/18 comparison 139,176 -122,571 16,605


General Fund Income 2018/19


Planned spending 2018/19 121,164
Less income 2018/19 -104,364
Net cost of services 16,800
Less, from the Government –

Settlement Funding Assessment

Collection fund surplus




Remaining amount to collect 9,715



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