Hackney Carriage Six Monthly Check
Please note this application form is for Six monthly checks ONLY.
In order to complete the six monthly check on your vehicle you will need to complete the form below. You will be asked to upload photos of your vehicle, these photos must be taken on the day that you are completing the online form and must include all four sides, the interior and the boot.
You will also be asked to upload a copy of your compliance certificate, checklist and current insurance documents.
The form must be completed and submitted to the Licensing Department at least 2 weeks, but not more than a month, before the expiry of the vehicle compliance certificate.
You will only be contacted by the licensing department if there is an issue with any of your documents or we require the vehicle to have a visual. You will not receive any documents from licensing following the completion of this form. You will receive a confirmation email with a number for your records.