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Annual Monitoring Report 2023
The Council has to produce a Monitoring Report showing the extent to which policies in the adopted Thanet Local Plan 2020 are being achieved, and the implementation of the Local Development Scheme.
The latest Annual Monitoring Report 2023 can be found here , along with a summary of some of the key indicators. The AMR covers the period 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023 and monitors the extent to which policies in the following Local Development Documents are being achieved:
Previous Annual Monitoring Reports:
- Annual Monitoring Report 2022
- Annual Monitoring Report 2021
- Annual Monitoring Report 2020
- Annual Monitoring Report 2019
- Annual Monitoring Report 2018
- Annual Monitoring Report 2017
- Annual Monitoring Report 2016
- Annual Monitoring Report 2015
- Annual Monitoring Report 2014
- Annual Monitoring Report 2013
- Annual Monitoring Report 2012
- Annual Monitoring Report 2011
- Annual Monitoring Report 2010
- Annual Monitoring Report 2009
Housing and commercial information audit
he amount and availability of Housing and Commercial Land is monitored on an annual basis in conjunction with Kent County Council. Reports for the most recent surveys are available on Kent County Council’s website: Housing Land and Commercial Land Information
Housing Delivery Test
The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) was introduced by the Government in 2018, as a monitoring tool in order to speed up the delivery of housing. The first set of results dated November 2018 were finally published in February 2019.
In response to the Housing Delivery Test results, the Council has updated the original Action Plan 2019 which sets out the actions that the Council is currently undertaking to facilitate an increase in delivery of housing together with future initiatives.
Further guidance can be found in the
- Housing Delivery Test Measurement Rule Book
- Housing Delivery Test Technical Note
- National Planning Policy Guidance – Action Plans
Housing Delivery Test 2019
Following the adoption of the Local Plan on 9 July 2020, the Council requested the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) to recalculate the Housing Delivery Test (HDT) 2019 position for Thanet, in line with National Planning Policy Guidance.
MHCLG have issued an updated position , which shows that, in considering new housing development proposals, the Council is no longer subject to a “presumption in favour of sustainable development” for new housing development.
It does require a “20% buffer” to be provided in the housing land supply as housing delivery has fallen below 85% – this is already addressed in the adopted Local Plan.
This means that while housing proposals allocated in the adopted Local Plan will continue to be required, proposals for housing development on unallocated sites will no longer be subject to a presumption that they should be supported.
The Council is committed to housing delivery as set out in the Action Plan 2019, and will continue to monitor and review that to ensure that it can provide a suitable supply of land to meet housing needs.
The Council’s Recovery Plan sets out the Council’s commitment to “working with developers and builders to recover/accelerate housing delivery”.
PermalinkNew regulations came into force in April 2017 making it a statutory duty for Local Authorities to prepare, maintain and publish a register of brownfield land (developed land previously used for something else, excluding agricultural and forestry uses).
Under Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017, any previously developed land that is suitable for residential development and meets certain criteria should be included in the register.
The criteria for brownfield sites to be included is as follows:
- the land has an area of at least 0.25 hectares or is capable of supporting at least five dwellings
- the land is suitable for residential development
- the land is available for residential development, and
- residential development of the land is achievable.
The brownfield regulations explain the criteria and definitions in more detail.
The information in the register is in a standard format set by government, and aims to inform developers and communities of potential site locations to encourage development in appropriate areas.
The register is split into two parts:
- Part 1 – all sites that have been assessed against the criteria. These include:
- brownfield sites that have been granted planning permission and have not yet been implemented
- brownfield sites that are allocated for residential development in the emerging draft Thanet Local Plan.
- Part 2 – any sites covered in Part 1 that have been granted permission in principle
If a site is under construction, this means that the planning application is being implemented and so it will not be on the register. Part 2 has no entries as none of the sites listed currently qualify for part 2 status.
More information
- Download a copy of the Brownfield Land Register 2023 (.csv)
The register is published under the Open Government Licence.
PermalinkWe are committed to supporting access to both affordable and market housing for local people and this includes supporting people wishing to build their own homes. Self build housing, typically involves people organising the design and construction of a new house with a builders and contractors, or physically building a house for themselves.
The self build and custom build register
The register enables us to gather evidence to see if there is a demand for self build and custom build homes within Thanet. It will allow us to develop our housing and planning policies to support the kinds of projects that would be most appropriate. This table shows the number of plots granted planning permission in relation to the number of people on the register.
Registering your interest in self build and custom build
If you would like to register your interest please complete the self-build and custom housebuilding registration form
A group of people can apply as an association in which case details must be provided for the lead contact.
The eligibility criteria to be entered on the register are as follows.
Each individual applicant and every member of an association of individuals must be:
- Aged 18 or older
- A British citizen, a national of a EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland;and
- Seeking(either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in the relevant authority’s area to build a house to occupy as that individual’s sole or main residence
How your information will be used
By signing up, you will help us find out more about the demand for self build and custom build plots in Thanet, where people would like their plot to be and the type of house that they would like to build. However, registration does not guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified, or become available.
Information on the number of plots required in each area and the sizes of houses required is available here.
This does not include personal information. Developers may request that their contact details are passed on to relevant entries on the register if they can provide a suitable plot.
If you require further information, please contact the Planning Policy team on 01843 577591 or by email to
Further support
The Government has created a dedicated service and online resource for those who are interested in a self or custom build project:
National Custom & Self Build Association
PermalinkEconomic and Employment Assessment
This establishes employment growth projections to the end of the plan period (2031), updating those within the Employment Land Review. It considers the current economy of Thanet including analysis of statistics, employment land use and trends and drivers, as well as an assessment of future land requirements.
Employment Land Review 2010
This is evidence to support the allocation of land for employment uses, including a review of existing employment sites, and an assessment of the scale and nature of likely future demand for employment to 2026. This has been updated by Employment Development in Thanet 2018 which identifies areas of change, reviews conclusions, draws together employment evidence, and gives reasoning behind the level of growth planned for to 2031 and the economic strategy to achieve this.
To download a copy: Employment Land Review (PDF, 1377 Kb)
Employment Land Review Appendices
Economic Development In Thanet July 2018
Thanet Economic Growth Strategy November 2016
Town Centre Retail, Leisure, Tourism and Culture Assessment 2012
This is an assessment of retail need, using a household expenditure survey, which forecasts retail need to the end of the plan period (2031). It also includes assessments of leisure, culture and tourism uses and needs for the town centres.
- Town Centre Retail, Leisure, Tourism and Culture Assessment – December 2012 (PDF, 965kb)
- Town Centre Retail, Leisure, Tourism and Culture Assessment Appendices – December 2012 (PDF,kb)
- Thanet Retail and Leisure Assessment – July 2016 (PDF 3MB)
This is the 2016 update of the Thanet Retail Study taking into account retail commitments and built developments - Thanet Retail and Leisure Assessment 2018 Update
Employment Topic Paper
The Employment Topic Paper has been produced to support the Issues and options consultation, and draws together evidence to develop and assess policy options relating to the economy of Thanet.
- Employment (PDF 2mb)
Landscape Character Assessment 2017
The 2017 document assesses Thanet’s landscapes and their important features and qualities. The document is a Kent-wide landscape assessment which aims to ensure the continued distinctiveness of our landscapes.
Thanet Landscape Character Assessment August 2017
For ease of reference, figures 2.1, 2.2 and the Landscape Character map are shown below
- Thanet-LCA-figure-2.1-neighbouring-Character-Areas
- Thanet-LCA-figure-2.2-Landscape-Character-Context
- Thanet-Landscape-Character-map (PDF)
Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Plan (SAMM)
The Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay Special Protection Area (SPA) is used by large numbers of migratory birds. Recreational activities at the coast have been shown to cause the disturbance of birds. This Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Plan (SAMM) provides a strategy to mitigate the potential in-combination impacts of new housing development and resulting recreational pressure on the SPA.
Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Plan – Main Report (April 2016)
Thanet SAMM Revised Tariff 17K
Thanet wader and visitor survey report_31 July 2019
For further information visit
Open Space Audit
The Council has recently updated the Open Space audit and has commissioned studies on Open Space, Playing Pitches and Sports Facilities.
An Executive Summary of these strategies is available below.
- Open Space Strategy, Playing Pitch Strategy and Sports Facility Strategy 2017 Executive Summary June 2018
- Playing Pitch Strategy September 2018
- Open Space Strategy June 2018
- Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy – Main Report September 2018
- Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy – Appendicies
Local Green Space
This report and the addendum sets out the policy background and assesses the proposals for local green space received as part of the public consultation on the draft Local Plan Proposed Revisions (Preferred Options) January 2017.
Local Green Space report January 2018
Addendum to the Report on Assessment of Local Green Space Proposals August 2018
Isle of Grain to South Foreland Shoreline Management Plan Review (2010)
This is a high-level document that forms an important part of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) strategy for flood and coastal defence. View the Isle of Grain to South Foreland SMP Review document
For further information and updates on strategic management of the shoreline visit The South East Coastal Group website
Thanet Air Quality Action Plan
An Action Plan to coordinate strategies to offer a comprehensive strategic approach to the improvement of air quality across Thanet. Thanet Air Quality Action Plan
PermalinkThanet First Homes Study
The Government has introduced an initiative to bring forward “first homes”, a discounted housing product for first-time buyers. To inform the Council’s approach to First Homes, a report was commissioned from GL Hearn to advise on the implementation of the First Homes initiative through local planning policy.
Economic and demographic forecasts for Thanet District Council 2013
This forecasts of the population and dwelling requirements for Thanet District between 2011 and 2031, looking at demographic population led-scenarios based upon future population trends, and economic job-led scenarios based on future levels of job growth.
Economic and demographic forecasts for Thanet District Council – February 2013 (PDF, 1.16mb)
Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)
This is the updated version of the Assessment of Objectively Assessed Housing Need, following the previous SHMA report.
Updated Assessment of Objectively Assessed Housing Need 2017
This is an assessment of the housing needs of Thanet and of neighbouring districts. It identifies key housing challenges and makes recommendations regarding the mix of housing types, sizes and range of tenures the local population and particular groups within it is likely to need.
Thanet Strategic Housing Market Assessment (January 2016) (PDF, 2mb)
Thanet Strategic Housing Market Assessment Appendices (January 2016)(PDF)
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
This assesses the potential of various sites across the district as possible land for future housing development. This report draws together the different stages of the SHLAA process and updates the assessment information.
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment July 2018
Economic Viability Assessment of development in Thanet District June 2012
This assesses the economic viability of potential future development in Thanet. It provides recommendations for negotiating affordable housing in residential schemes and an illustration of potential charges for the Community Infrastructure Levy.
Economic Viability Assessment of Development in Thanet District (PDF)
East Kent Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment Report (up to 2027)
This is an assessment of accommodation requirements of gypsies and travellers in East Kent Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Assessment Final Report April 2014 (PDF, 1.4mb).
Listed below are reports compiled by Avia Solutions regarding the viability of Manston Airport
Original viability report
Manston Airport viability September 2016
The reports below relate to the Local Plan representations
Local Plan Representations Review August 2017
Analysis of Manston Airport Report by Azimuth & Northpoint August 2017
PermalinkThe SFRA has been prepared as part of the Council’s emerging Local Plan Update process, and sets out the procedure to be followed when assessing new sites that fall within a flood risk area. The SFRA is intended to provide a better understanding of flood risks, national planning guidance on Flood Risk zones, and the implications of how flood zones interact with potential development sites.
A4 Thanet Potential Risk Map Current Day
A5 Thanet Potential Risk Map Climate Change
A6 Thanet Functional floodplain
PermalinkThe Local Plan is founded upon the principles of sustainable development, and what this means for Thanet. Over the course of its preparation the Local Plan has been subject to a Sustainability Appraisal which is a continuous appraisal of the sustainability of its proposals. The following documents have been produced as part of this:
- SA Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Interim Assessment
- Summary of Interim SA Report
- Justification for Preferred Options
- Sustainability Appraisal December 2016
- SA Non Technical Summary 2016
- SA December 2016 Erratum
- New Settlement Mitigation Study November 2016
- Sustainability Appraisal – Environmental Report August 2018
- Appendix E recommendations
- Sustainability Addendum Report October 2019
- Sustainability Appraisal – Main Modifications
- SA Post Adoption Statement
- Habitat Regulations Assessment report-July 2018
Alongside the Local Plan, the Council has produced a Transport Strategy for Thanet. The strategy and supporting evidence will identify the transport challenges and changes to transport infrastructure required to underpin sustainable development through the Local Plan.
Other supporting documents include:
- SRN Impact Report
- A28 Tech Note
- Local Model Validation Report
- Forecasting Report
- Forecast Junction Assessments Report
- Corridor Studies Existing Conditions
Kent County Council have produced a Local Transport Plan for Kent.
Thanet Council has an existing Cycling Plan and Walking Strategy:
Thanet Cycling Plan (PDF)
Feet First strategy (PDF)