Organise an Event

Thanet District Council is committed to enabling events that contribute to our vibrant culture, coastal environment and economy by working with event organisers, partners and agencies to provide a variety of safe and enjoyable events.

If you are planning to organise an event on public land you will need to submit an application to us so this can be reviewed by our Safety Advisory Group. Which is made up of TDC departments and local agencies, such as:

  • Kent Police
  • South East Coast Ambulance
  • Kent County Council
  • Kent Fire and Rescue Service
  • NHS
  • RNLI

Depending on the size of your event you will need to apply as below:

Size of Event No. of Attendees Application Deadline
Small 0-499 14 weeks before the event
Medium 500-999 14 weeks to 6 months before the event
Large 1000+ 8 months before the event
Major 5000+ 12 months before the event

We have implemented an online system where you will be able to submit your application and send us your documentation. Communicate directly with the Safety Advisory Group and manage all your documents and information for your event in one place.

Please read the following documents before submitting your application.

Events Policy

Event Suitability

For more information please visit our Event App Webpage. Where you will be able to submit your application and find:

  • Template documents
  • Guidance
  • Information on road closures for events

If you have any further questions, please call the technical support team on 01843 577416 – between 10am – 3pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday and 10am – 1pm Wed & Fri if your call is not answered a message can be left on the answerphone or email events@thanet.gov.uk.


School & Groups – Beach Excursions

Please inform the Council of your intended visit for schools or groups (for over 20 people) to the Thanet beaches click on the link below

Notification form for School & Organised Group Visits



Ban on Single Use Plastics and Polystyrene – What it means 

With effect from 1st October this year (2023), the following single use plastic items are to be banned under new legislation – this includes existing stock.

  • Plates
  • Trays
  • Bowls
  • Cutlery
  • Balloon sticks

This includes all types of other single-use plastics, including those that are biodegradable, compostable and recyclable.

However, there is an exception if either plates, trays or bowls are used for packaging food.  For example, if a salad is put in a plastic bowl and covered with clingfilm then sold in that format.

In addition, the ban also extends to polystyrene cups and food containers.

However, there is also an exemption if the food item in the packaging requires something done to it by the consumer, such as having hot water added (e.g. a pot noodle), microwaving or toasting.

The legislation does not extend to any other forms of plastic packaging, including plastic water cups or lids to go onto coffee cups.

Keeping Food Hot

 Polystyrene is widely used by takeaway and delivery businesses for keeping foods hot as it has very effective insulation properties and is relatively cheap.   There are a number of alternative materials available, such as expanded polypropylene or cardboard, but these tend to be costlier.


Martyn’s Law Caution
The Home Office has cautioned against businesses (and local authorities) paying consultants for advice on how to implement Martyn’s Law legislation as it has yet to be finalised or become law and it may be some years before it does.   When it comes into effect, Martyn’s Law will require premises to be prepared and protected against terrorist attack.   However, discussions are still taking place over how it will operate and which premises will be covered.    In the meantime, it is good practice for organisers to consider the risks of terrorism as part of their event security planning.

Terrorism Advice
Those seeking advice and guidance on terrorism should consider signing up to ProtectUK – see here – through which the police and counter terrorism officers provide security and emergency preparedness advice to businesses and the public.



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