Climate Change for business

Climate change needs to be addressed by all sectors of society including business and industry.

Fortunately, there is a lot of assistance to do so:

Would you like to investigate your carbon footprint and environmental impact and make steps to improve?:

Attend the Steps to Environmental Management Course run by KCC.

Would you like funding to install energy saving measures in your business?

Go to https://locase.co.uk/ Low Carbon across the South and East. Locase are giving out grants up to the spring of 2023 for projects such as LED lighting, solar panels, reducing water use and marketing of energy saving activities to your own staff and customers.

Would you link to join a low carbon business network and receive up to date information?

Join Low Carbon Kent: a network of businesses tackling and adapting to climate change. They aim to reduce costs by cutting emissions and promote the opportunities of the low carbon market.

You can also call them on 03000 415111.

Low Carbon Kent are also delivering a range of other projects and initiatives throughout the county as part of the Kent Environment Strategy.

  • The Kent Realising Electric Van Scheme (REVS) allows organisations driving on the county’s major roads an opportunity to ‘try for free’ an electric van for up to 8 weeks. Simply e-mail revs@csltd.org.uk for a quick fleet survey. Find out more about Kent REVS Van Trial.
  • Both Inn2POWER and Clean Growth South East both seek to support the opportunities available to businesses in the low carbon and renewable energy sectors as we seek to transition to a green industrial revolution across the South East. Through monthly newsletters and other programme materials, Glean Growth South East will provide a range of industry insights, briefings on emerging sectors and technologies, and signpost your company to opportunities, business support and funding in the clean growth sector. Find out more about Clean Growth South East.




Would you like funding to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy e.g. gas to renewable electric or hydrogen?

Apply for the Industrial Fuel Switching competition – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) (innovation and trials)

Deadline to register 22 November 2021. Deadline to submit application form: Monday 29 November 2021.

The £55 million Industrial Fuel Switching competition will support innovation in the development of pre-commercial fuel switch and fuel switch enabling technology for the industrial sector, to help industry switch from high to lower carbon fuels. Funding will be awarded through Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) contracts, providing 100% funding for pre-commercial solutions.

There are 2 phases to the competition:

  • Phase 1 – Feasibility: funding for feasibility studies into fuel switch and fuel switch enabling solutions, with £50,000 to £300,000 available per application
  • Phase 2 – Demonstration: funding for projects to demonstrate fuel switch and fuel switch enabling solutions, with £1 million to £6 million available per project

The competition will support fuel switch and fuel switch enabling technologies at Technology Readiness (TRL) Level 4 to 7 at the start of the project.

Funding is divided into 3 Lots:

  • fuel switch and fuel switch enabling technologies for hydrogen.
  • fuel switch and fuel switch enabling technologies for electrification
  • fuel switch and fuel switch enabling technologies for biomass, wastes, and other net zero compatible fuels

Would you like funding to improve energy efficiency and decarbonise your industrial processes?

Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 2: Autumn 2021 – how to apply – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) (proven technology and scale up). For mining and quarrying business, manufacturing, recycling and data businesses. Closes on Monday 6 December 2021.

IETF Phase 2: Autumn 2021 provides up to £60 million of grant funding for the following project types:

  • studies – feasibility and engineering studies to enable companies to investigate identified energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects prior to making an investment decision
  • energy efficiency – deployment of technologies to reduce industrial energy consumption
  • deep decarbonisation – deployment of technologies to achieve industrial emissions savings

Would you like to investigate the embodied carbon in your building project?

Architects Carbon Action Network – Campaign on Embodied Carbon and run a natural building materials education programme. Regulate Embodied Carbon! (architectscan.org)

Structural Timber Association (alternatives to steel and concrete ) Home Structural Timber Association

Network of Environmental Conscious Building Welcome to the AECB – AECB

Alliance for Sustainable Building Products – lots of resources on natural building materials Homepage – The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (asbp.org.uk)


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