The Cemetery’s Office is based at Thanet Crematorium and is open from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday. Please note the office is not open at weekends or public holidays.
The Cemetery Grounds will be open to the public daily from 9.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. (March to September), 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. (October to February) and until 4.00 p.m. on weekends, Bank or General Holidays.
Please read the information below relating to the cemetery. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information or assistance regarding St John’s Cemetery.
Burials can take place between the hours of 9.30 am and 2.30 pm Monday to Friday. There is a small chapel at the cemetery which can seat 20 – 30 people.
There are no restrictions on the content of the service and can be either religious or non-religious depending on the wishes of the family.
There are facilities to play music from CDs and if required an organist can be booked. We do request any down-loaded music is tested at the Cemetery prior to the service to avoid any disappointment on the day of the service.
PermalinkBurial plots are available to pre-purchase in advance or at the time of a loved one’s death. The section currently available for new purchases is Section T of the cemetery (please refer to the location plan). There are also some available in the older sections of the cemetery. Please contact the office for further details. The maximum number of burials per plot is four, and the number in each plot will depend on the requested depth of the first burial.
Purchasing a burial plot you would own the right to bury in the plot and be able to erect a memorial of your choice (please refer to the Memorials section for permitted sizes). Should you wish to erect a memorial, this can be carried out via a stone mason and would incur their charges.
In purchasing a burial plot you would have the option to purchase the Exclusive Burial Rights of a plot in the Cemetery for either fifty years or seventy five years. Therefore you will be the person responsible for the maintenance of the plot, the person to sign for any memorials placed on the plot and your permission will be required to open the plot at any time. In the case of joint ownership, all owners will be required to give their consent. Up to a maximum of four people may be joint owners of the EROB, allowing them all the automatic right to be buried in the plot (space allowing) and have equal responsibilities for memorials etc). The deeds will then remain with the joint owners until such a time of the death of the last surviving person, then passing to their executor. Please refer to the burial rights section for further information regarding transferring burial rights.
New Plots | Resident
(50 year Exclusive Right of Burial) |
Non Resident
(50 year Exclusive Right of Burial) |
(75 year Exclusive Right of Burial) |
Non Resident
(75 year Exclusive Right of Burial) |
(99 year Exclusive Right of Burial) |
Non resident
(99 year Exclusive Right of Burial) |
Purchase | £942.00 | £1,885.00 | £1,223.00 | £2,447.00 | £3,800.00 | £5,012.00 |
Interment | £1,607.00 | £1,607.00 | £1,607.00 | £1,607.00 | £1,607.00 | £1,607.00 |
Environmental charge | £134.50 | £134.50 | £134.50 | £134.50 | £134.50 | £134.50 |
Total (excluding chapel hire) | £2,683.50 | £3,626.50 | £2,964.50 | £4,188.50 | £5541.50 | £6753.50 |
Optional chapel hire (25 minutes in chapel) | £105.00 | £105.00 | £105.00 | £105.00 | £105.00 | £105.00 |
Total (including chapel hire) | £2,788.50 | £3,731.50 | £3,069.50 | £4293.50 | £5,646.50 | £6858.50 |
Re-open plots | Single depth | Double depth | Triple depth | Quad depth (purchased prior to April 2010) |
Interment | £981.00 | £1,221.00 | £1,474.00 | £1,607.00 |
Environmental Charge | £134.50 | £134.50 | £134.50 | £134.50 |
Total (excluding chapel hire) | £1,115.50 | £1,355.50 | £1,608.50 | £1,741.50 |
Optional chapel hire (25 minutes in chapel) | £105.00 | £105.00 | £105.00 | £105.00 |
Total (including chapel hire) | £1,220.50 | £1,460.50 | £1,713.50 | £1,846.50 |
Additional Fees | |
Cremated Remains interment into grave space | £210.00 |
Weekend and Bank Holiday Burial | £641.00 plus the relevant fee above |
Weekend Cremated Remains interment (plus interment fee) | £130.00 |
Less than three days notice | £415.00 plus the relevant fee above |
Less than three days notice or changes in coffin size | £111.50 |
Download PDF Price List (670kb)
PermalinkPlots with Exclusive Right of Burial Memorials
The right to erect a memorial on a grave space or alterations to an existing memorial is only permitted to be carried out at the request of the owners of the Exclusive Right of Burial – all registered names are required to sign the permit application. A grave space must have an active owner.
The fees applicable are permit fees only – these do not include stonemasons’ fees, memorial or inscription.
All memorial permits must be submitted via a stonemason and be installed by a BRAMM / NAMM qualified stonemason of your choice.
For more information please view our full list of fees and charges.
PermalinkCemeteries and Churchyards are now recognised as providing areas of relatively undisturbed habitats where plants and animals of various types can flourish, safe from formal neatness, herbicides and pesticides which often threaten their survival.
Please be assured the grass will continue to be cut around frequently visited graves however, to promote such areas of undisturbed habitats we are planning to leave a few areas with grass being left uncut. This is to encourage grassland plants to flower, establish themselves and set seed. This, we hope, will improve the natural environment for bees, butterflies, moths and insects. In turn this will also help some of the bird species encouraging them to use the flower seeds for food and possibly bats in the evening and night time.
Further to this, we are also managing our trees as they decline to encourage woodpeckers, owls and in doing so parakeets also benefit.
Lastly we hope to see the return of the hares who have been habitants here in the past, but unfortunately the frequent cutting and clearance in the last couple of years has not provided the longer grass required for the young or adult hares.
It is hoped you will support us in promoting the undisturbed habitats, enhancing wild life in the older parts of the cemetery giving visitors the opportunity to experience the natural environment whilst still allowing free access to graves.
The map below indicates the selected areas.