29 November, 2024

Update on parking in Thanet

In December 2023, Thanet District Council announced plans to create a new parking strategy for Thanet. A new Cabinet Member was appointed with responsibility for parking to lead on the programme as well as other parking related issues.

Cllr Kristian Bright, Cabinet Member for Parking shares an update:

“As Cabinet Member for Parking I recognise that while not everyone in Thanet owns a car, the provision of parking facilities affects anyone trying to move around the district. Addressing the travel and transport needs of residents, businesses and visitors is multi-layered and parking is just one piece of the puzzle. There are a number of actions that have been undertaken in recent months with lots more to come.

On the parking strategy

“A six week consultation ran from Monday 15 July to Sunday 1 September 2024, giving residents the opportunity to comment on the draft policy recommendations for the parking strategy. Specifically, it involved a survey outlining the recommendations/actions to be included in the draft parking strategy document. More than 2,500 individuals took the time to respond which shows just how important an issue parking provision in the district is.

“The survey gave residents and businesses in Thanet the chance to give their opinions on the various points outlined, with a specific focus on understanding the level of support for each recommendation/action. Prior to that a five week period of engagement took place, from Monday 29 January to Sunday 10 March 2024. 

“The next step will be for the draft parking strategy to be presented to Councillors for consideration before the end of the year.

On our car parks

“As well as the new parking strategy, the council has been working to improve the facilities at the Royal Harbour Car Park, on Leopold Street in Ramsgate. A contract has been signed for the replacement of the lifts at the site. Due to the nature of the space, the lifts must be custom built and installation is now expected to take place in 2025. 

“Ramsgate’s Royal Harbour Car Park and Mill Lane Car Park, in Margate now both receive a regular deep clean, with stairwells given a high pressure wash every month.

“In December, the car parks at Manor House, off Hartsdown Road in Margate, and Hopeville Avenue in St Peter’s are scheduled for resurfacing. Manor House is first up and will be closed from Wednesday 4 December with a view to reopening by the evening of Friday 6 December. Work on the Hopeville Avenue car park will follow with closure planned from Monday 9 December to Thursday 12 December.

On pavement parking

“More recently, initial conversations have begun around the potential need to restrict parking on pavements in specific areas of Thanet. Ward Councillors have been contacted to provide local insight around streets where pavement parking is an issue. If specific locations are identified, the normal Traffic Regulation Order consultation process would need to be followed.

“The consultation would include identifying specific areas where parking restrictions or enforcement might change. Any road or pavement users would be given the opportunity to make comments which are then taken into account prior to any decision being made.

“Pavement parking where there are double yellow lines is an offence and penalty charge notices can be issued. Currently, pavement parking where there are no existing parking restrictions is classed as an obstruction and remains a matter for the police.

“As we approach the end of 2024, I’m pleased to note the progress that has been made to date and the initiatives that are already underway. I look forward to bringing more positive updates in 2025.”

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